Series E. General Alphabetical Files. 1960-1992. [18 Hollinger boxes]
Arrangement Note: Alphabetical.
Scope and Content Note: This series consists of subject files dealing with activities of a more general nature. Included are correspondence, reports, memos, minutes, and working papers covering such subjects as race relations, education, politics, science, the Holocaust, Tanenbaum's consulting work with film and television programs, Presidential commissions on youth and aging, as well as general American Jewish Committee programs and activities. Also included is information and publicity about Tanenbaum together with the transcripts of two substantial oral histories conducted in 1972 and 1980 covering his life and work.
Description | Date | Box/Folder | |
"Acts of Peter and Paul" [television script]. | 1980. | 77/1 | |
Adult Jewish education. | 1961-1964. | 77/2 | |
Aging. | 1979-1981. | 77/3 | |
Aging. | 1981. | 77/4 | |
Aging, religion. | 1980. | 77/5 | |
American Jewish Congress / American Jewish Committee merger. | 1975. | 77/6 | |
American Jewish Committee - 75th anniversary. | 1981. | 77/7 | |
American Jewish Committee - 77th annual meeting. | May 1983. | 77/8 | |
American Jewish Committee - 79th Annual Meeting. | 1985. | 77/9 | |
American Jewish Committee - Board of Governors meeting. | 24 June 1985. | 77/10 | |
American Jewish Committee - farewell. | 1988. | 78/1 | |
American Jewish Committee - "Findings from an Exploratory Research Phase." | 1962. | 78/2 | |
American Jewish Committee - National Executive Council meeting. | 27-30 October 1983. | 78/3 | |
American Jewish Committee - National Executive Council meeting. | 7-10 November 1985. | 78/4 | |
American Jewish Committee - National Executive Council meeting. | October-November 1987. | 78/5 | |
American Jewish Committee - oral history collection. | undated. | 78/6 | |
American Jewish Committee - Philadelphia and New York chapter banking studies. | 1962. | 78/7 | |
American Jewish Committee on tax bill. | 1986. | 78/8 | |
American Jewish Committee reception and dinner in honor of Alma and Theodore Schlesinger. | 1980. | 78/9 | |
American Jewish Committee staff meeting - Black-Jewish relations. | 1979. | 78/10 | |
American Jewish Committee - statement on undocumented persons. | 1980. | 78/11 | |
American political climate regarding Jews. | 1968. | 78/12 | |
Anno Domini [television series]. | 1983-1985. | 78/13 | |
Anti-abortion. | 1975. | 78/14 | |
Atlanta, Ga. - Community Relations Council. | 1981. | 78/15 | |
Attitudes of Jewish young people. | 1964. | 78/16 | |
Articles to do. | 1981. | 78/17 | |
Auster, Louis - interview with Marc H. Tanenbaum. | undated. | 78/18 | |
Bakke, Allen P. case. | 1978. | 79/1 | |
Banki, Judith. | 1988. | 79/2 | |
Bicentennial. | 1976. | 79/3 | |
Big Business day. | 1979-1980. | 79/4 | |
Biographical material. | 1971-1989. | 79/5 | |
Black-Jewish relations. | 1960-1966. | 79/6 | |
Black-Jewish relations. | 1972-1979. | 79/7 | |
Blacks and Jews. | 1981-1985. | 80/1 | |
Blacks and Jews / Middle East. | 1979. | 80/2 | |
Black/Jewish People to People memorial [Queens College, New York, N.Y.]. | 1989. | 80/3 | |
Black manifesto and Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization. | 1969. | 80/4 | |
Brandriss, Marc. | 1983. | 80/5 | |
Bretton Woods conference. | 1984-1986. | 80/6 | |
Bretton Woods fund. | 1988. | 80/7 | |
Calendar reform. | 1963. | 80/8 | |
Capital punishment. | 1979. | 80/9 | |
Circumcision. | undated. | 80/10 | |
Civil rights. | 1964. | 80/11 | |
Coalition building. | 1984. | 80/12 | |
Commission on pornography. | 1976. | 80/13 | |
Conferences. | 1963-1967. | 81/1 | |
"Conference on Population and Intergroup Relations." | 27-28 October 1975. | 81/2 | |
Conference on "Violence among Nations: Interreligious Perspectives." | May 1978. | 81/3 | |
Conversion. | 1976. | 81/4 | |
Conversion, Israeli law. | 1978. | 81/5 | |
Covenant House. | 1990. | 81/6 | |
Covenant House oversight committee. | 1990. | 81/7 | |
Crime. | 1979-1981. | 81/8 | |
Cuomo, Mario. | 1983-1989. | 81/9 | |
Daughters of the American Revolution. | 1980. | 81/10 | |
Davis, Sammy Jr. [National Liver Institute]. | 1989-1990. | 81/11 | |
Dayton [George D.] Foundation project. | 1971. | 81/12 | |
Democratic National Convention. | 1988. | 81/13 | |
Education. | 1974-1979. | 82/1 | |
Education. | 1975-1987. | 82/2 | |
Election. | 1980. | 82/3 | |
Energy crisis. | 1973. | 82/4 | |
Ethnic heritage studies program grant proposal. | 1975-1976. | 82/5 | |
Ethnic project. | 1974-1975. | 82/6 | |
Family. | 1972-1983. | 82/7 | |
Farrakhan, Louis. | 1985. | 82/8 | |
Feldstein, Donald. | 1983. | 82/9 | |
Forest Hills public housing project [Forest Hills, N.Y.]. | 1972. | 82/10 | |
Frank, Anne. | 1980. | 82/11 | |
Friedman, Meyer. | 1980. | 82/12 | |
Genesis project. | 1976-1979. | 82/13 | |
Gordis, David. | 1984-1989. | 82/14 | |
Havurah. | 1979-1981. | 83/1 | |
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews [WNET television series]. | 1984-1985. | 83/2 | |
Holocaust. | 1985. | 83/3 | |
Holocaust education. | 1977-1982. | 83/4 | |
Holocaust film, Genocide . | January-April 1982. | 83/5 | |
Holocaust memorial, Boys' Town, Italy. | 1973. | 83/6 | |
Holocaust memorial council. | 1980. | 83/7 | |
Holocaust (service). | 1977. | 83/8 | |
Holocaust study guide drafts. | 1978. | 83/9 | |
Holocaust/war crimes. | 1987. | 83/10 | |
Homeless. | 1982-1983. | 83/11 | |
Homosexuality. | 1986-1990. | 83/12 | |
Horvath, Francis [medical ethics]. | 1985-1986. | 83/13 | |
Human rights. | 1974-1984. | 83/14 | |
Human rights. | 1988. | 83/15 | |
Income inequality. | undated. | 83/16 | |
Isserman, Ruth. | 1982-1983. | 84/1 | |
Jackson, Jesse. | 1984. | 84/2 | |
Jackson, Jesse. | 1987-1988. | 84/3 | |
"The Jew Broker of the American Revolution" [television script on Haym Salomon]. | 1975. | 84/4 | |
Jewish family [American Jewish Committee questionnaire]. | 1977. | 84/5 | |
Jewish Identity [report on American Jewish Committee conference]. | 1964. | 84/6 | |
Jewish students on war. | 1969. | 84/7 | |
Jewish vote. | 1980. | 84/8 | |
Jewish women. | 1987. | 84/9 | |
Jewish youth. | 1972-1973. | 84/10 | |
Judaism - threat of denominational schism. | 1985. | 84/11 | |
Kaufman, Curtis. | 1990. | 84/12 | |
Kennedy, John F. | 1963. | 84/13 | |
King, Martin Luther, Jr. | 1966-1967. | 84/14 | |
King, Martin Luther, Jr. | 1963-1986. | 84/15 | |
King, Martin Luther, Jr. [paper]. | 1983. | 84/16 | |
Knilli, Friedrich. | 1979. | 84/17 | |
Koch, Ed. | 1987. | 84/18 | |
Kremer, Charles. | 1983-1985. | 84/19 | |
Ku Klux Klan. | 1979. | 84/20 | |
Landa, Leo. | 1977. | 85/1 | |
LaRouche, Lyndon - United States Labor Party. | 1980. | 85/2 | |
Legislators [National Association of Jewish Legislators]. | 1980. | 85/3 | |
Lenchitz, Solomon. | 1984. | 85/4 | |
MacArthur Foundation. | 1986. | 85/5 | |
Masada [ABC miniseries]. | 1981. | 85/6 | |
Maxwell Associates. | 1979-1980. | 85/7 | |
Meditation and prayer for Sabbath. | 1973. | 85/8 | |
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. | 1986. | 85/9 | |
Ministerial Institute [Columbus, Ohio]. | 15 January 1976. | 85/10 | |
Nasty Habits [film]. | 1977. | 85/11 | |
National Affairs Department program kit. | 1984. | 85/12 | |
National Association of Jewish Legislators. | 1980. | 85/13 | |
National Coalition against Pornography. | 1986-1988. | 85/14 | |
National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. | 1985-1986. | 85/15 | |
National Peace Academy/dispute resolution. | 1979. | 85/16 | |
Nazis - United States. | 1977-1978. | 85/17 | |
NBC - A.D. miniseries. | 1984-1985. | 85/18 | |
NBC conference [Tarpon Springs, Fla.]. | 1986. | 85/19 | |
NBC Holocaust. | 1977-1978. | 85/20 | |
NBC Holocaust. | 1979. | 85/21 | |
NBC Holocaust. | 1980-1983. | 85/22 | |
NBC Holocaust - impact. | 1980. | 86/1 | |
NBC Holocaust - memo from Marc H. Tanenbaum to NBC's Robert Kasmire regarding script. | 1977. | 86/2 | |
NBC Holocaust - reporting. | 1978-1979. | 86/3 | |
NBC Holocaust - survey of viewers. | 1978. | 86/4 | |
NBC Holocaust - Australia. | 1978. | 86/5 | |
NBC Holocaust - Austria. | 1979. | 86/6 | |
NBC Holocaust - Belgium. | 1979. | 86/7 | |
NBC Holocaust - Brazil. | 1979. | 86/8 | |
NBC Holocaust - Canada. | 1978. | 86/9 | |
NBC Holocaust - Denmark. | 1970. | 86/10 | |
NBC Holocaust - East Germany. | 1979. | 86/11 | |
NBC Holocaust - England. | 1979. | 86/12 | |
NBC Holocaust - Finland. | 1979. | 86/13 | |
NBC Holocaust - Germany. | 1979. | 86/14 | |
NBC Holocaust - Israel. | 1979. | 86/15 | |
NBC Holocaust - Italy. | 1979. | 86/16 | |
NBC Holocaust - Japan. | 1979. | 86/17 | |
NBC Holocaust - Mexico. | 1979. | 86/18 | |
NBC Holocaust - Netherlands. | 1979. | 86/19 | |
NBC Holocaust - Norway. | 1979. | 86/20 | |
NBC Holocaust - South Africa. | 1978. | 86/21 | |
NBC Holocaust - Spain. | 1978. | 86/22 | |
NBC Holocaust - Sweden. | 1979. | 86/23 | |
NBC Holocaust - Trinidad-Tobago. | 1979. | 86/24 | |
NBC Holocaust - USSR. | 1979. | 86/25 | |
NBC Stories from the Bible. | 1978. | 86/26 | |
New York Holocaust Memorial Commission. | 1988. | 86/27 | |
Opinion poll [American Jewish Committee]. | 1979. | 87/1 | |
Palmer, Nancy Reasoner. | 1975-1985. | 87/2 | |
Parkes, James. | 1970-1972. | 87/3 | |
Passover. | 1976. | 87/4 | |
Passover Plot. | 1976. | 87/5 | |
Peace. | 1965-1966. | 87/6 | |
Pentagon National Day of Prayer. | 1989. | 87/7 | |
People of Nes Amim. | 1979. | 87/8 | |
People for the American Way. | 1980-1981. | 88/1 | |
People for the American Way. | 1982-1984. | 88/2 | |
People for the American Way. | 1985. | 88/3 | |
People for the American Way. | 1986-1987. | 88/4 | |
Persian Gulf. | 1984. | 88/5 | |
Planned Parenthood. | 1966. | 88/6 | |
Political attitudes of American Jews. | 1984-1988. | 88/7 | |
Polls/surveys. | 1981-1983. | 88/8 | |
President's Commission on the Holocaust. | January-April 1979. | 89/1 | |
President's Commission on the Holocaust. | May-December 1979. | 89/2 | |
President's Commission on the Holocaust. | 1980. | 89/3 | |
President's Commission on the Holocaust. | 1982-1983, undated. | 89/4 | |
Purim. | 1971. | 89/5 | |
Rabbinical Assembly. | 1988. | 89/6 | |
Rabbinical Assembly. | 1989. | 89/7 | |
Ramah Academy. | 1983. | 89/8 | |
Reagan, Ronald. | 1981. | 89/9 | |
Reagan, Ronald. | 1984. | 89/10 | |
Redgrave, Vanessa. | 1980. | 89/11 | |
Religion and electronic media conference. | 24 March 1981. | 90/1 | |
Religion and energy. | 1979-1980. | 90/2 | |
Religion in America. | 1971-1977. | 90/3 | |
Religion in census survey. | 1976. | 90/4 | |
Rivka Alexandrovich. | undated. | 90/5 | |
Rustin, Bayard. | 1987-1988. | 90/6 | |
Scientific creationism. | 1981. | 90/7 | |
Sermon seminar. | 1980. | 90/8 | |
Sheedy, Charlotte. | 1983-1985. | 90/9 | |
Sobel, Henry. | 1981. | 90/10 | |
Social action resolutions. | 1960. | 90/11 | |
"Society, State and Religion: The Jewish Experience." | February 1988. | 90/12 | |
Stanford University baccalaureate. | 1980. | 90/13 | |
State Department. | 1973. | 90/14 | |
Sutton Synagogue [New York, N.Y.]. | 1988-1990. | 90/15 | |
Synagogue Council of America. | 1991-1992. | 90/16 | |
Tannen, Erny. | 1983-1985. | 91/1 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - application to American Jewish Committee. | 1960-1961. | 91/2 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. and Georgette Bennett - curriculum vitae. | undated. | 91/3 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - get well wishes. | 1988. | 91/4 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - obituaries. | 1992. | 91/5 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - oral histories. | 1972-1980. | 91/6 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - publicity. | 1960-1979. | 91/7 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - publicity. | 1980-1992. | 91/8 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - personal/biographical. | 1960-1989. | 92/1 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - programs and commitments. | 1979. | 92/2 | |
Tanenbaum, Marc H. - public relations. | 1963-1969. | 92/3 | |
Tanenbaum, Sadie. | 1974-1977. | 92/4 | |
Task Force on the Future of the Jewish Community in America. | September 1970. | 92/5 | |
Technical committee. | 1971-1980. | 92/6 | |
Television. | 1981-1986. | 92/7 | |
Templeton Prize. | 1985. | 92/8 | |
Templeton Prize. | 1988-1989. | 92/9 | |
Templeton Prize. | 1991. | 92/10 | |
Ullman, Liv. | 1981. | 92/11 | |
Weinstock, Gerard. | 1978-1981. | 92/12 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | 1960. | 93/1 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | 1961. | 93/2 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | 1977-1979. | 93/3 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | March-September 1980. | 93/4 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | October-December 1980. | 93/5 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | January-June 1981. | 93/6 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | July-December 1981. | 94/1 | |
White House Conference on Aging. | undated. | 94/2 | |
White House Conference on Children and Youth. | 1960. | 94/3 | |
Whithed, Marshall. | 1982. | 94/4 | |
Wiesel, Elie - Nobel Peace Prize. | 1986. | 94/5 | |
Women. | 1977. | 94/6 | |
Women and the Holocaust. | 1981. | 94/7 | |
Women's conference. | 1984. | 94/8 | |
Youth. | 1972. | 94/9 |